It Begins

     Here it is, my first blog! Let's see how long I can keep this up. First, about me. I am a stay at home mom and I keep the books for my dear husband's business. I have CFS. So much to do, so little energy. Yet it gets done (mostly ha!). I have three boys (maybe that's why I'm so tired), a cat, a dog, 15 chickens, a garden, and an orchard all on 3 acres in the Summit neighborhood of Tacoma, WA. I insist on doing things the hard way, growing and canning my own produce, baking my own bread, making my own laundry soap. I'm wiped out by the end of the day (sometimes by the begining) but I know that my family is well fed and healthy and that my boys know where their food comes from.
     Now to the reason I started this blog. I get it. You're tired. Sometimes, after weeding the garden (its not huge) or cleaning out the chicken coop (It takes 20 minutes) or folding a couple loads of laundry, I feel as if my bones are made of lead. Physical activity or mental exertion can bring on an exaustion so profound that even the effort of climbing into bed at the end of the day is almost impossible. Yet, growing fresh produce, keeping chickens and making real food from (almost) scratch has improved my energy (I don't get bone tired nearly as often) and the pain that comes with CFS. Plus, there is nothing like being able to say " Yes, I made that." I hope this blog can help others find that kind of satisfaction.


  1. thank you.. and I learn a lot from you blog.. it's me mhaihmhaih


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