What's Growing on Hen and Drake Farm - Week 15

This week I planted mixed leaf lettuces and strawberries. I also started strawberry spinach in the greenhouse and planted more arugula


Onion and radish seedlings uprooted by the chickens

Our Spring weather has so far been cold and dreary, so most of the things in the garden are growing very slowly. Even the garlic is struggling a bit. Of course, it also doesn't help that the chickens find newly planted soil and tender seedlings irresistible

Growth in the greenhouse certainly hasn't been hindered. My tomatoes are getting huge! I've even had to pinch off some forming buds

I transplanted 8 eggplants into larger containers

And a sweet potato that I purchased from the organic market and stuck in a jar of water is starting to produce slips

I thought that my star jasmine had succumbed to our unusually cold winter, but found new growth on it

Twilight Zone (top), Melody Parfumée (left) and George Burns (right)

All of my roses are leafing out

My Frost peach and sweet cherry have bloomed

And it seems that my bay laurel is going to bloom for the first time. It will be interesting to see what the flowers look like


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