Cilantro, Onions, Garlic, Squash, Cucumbers, Peppers, and Wild Turkeys

One of several nasturtiums blooming in the garden 

We've had a very warm week by PNW standards with temperatures near 90 for a several days. Thankfully, we've cooled back down to the mid 70's so I won't have to water the garden so much.
Here is the garden this week

I scattered some cilantro seeds in one of the beds a few weeks ago and it is doing very well. I don't care much for the flavor of cilantro but it is essential for salsa, so I try to grow a little every year

The onions are bulbing now that we've reached peak daylight hours

I harvested the soft neck garlic this week. A total of 113 heads are now curing on the drying rack in the shed. I'll weigh it up once it's cured and braided

The winter squash have really taken off with the heat this week. I'm excited because we've had mediocre squash seasons the last two years. This year though the plants are looking very healthy

I discovered a tiny zucchini on the Cocozelle plant

The cucumbers are doing quite well despite my having to replant 3 times due to evil rodents digging up the seeds

The peppers have nice fruits growing. These are Orange Sun  and Ralph Thompson's Squash peppers 

Wild turkeys have been visiting us this week. They come by to "share" the chickens scratch grain and water

Weekly harvest:

4 pounds 6 ounces peas
12 ounces garlic scapes
7 ounces kale
6 ounces strawberries 

Yearly total:

16 pounds 2 ounces


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