What's Growing on Hen and Drake Farm - Week 30

Fall planting has begun! It may seem strange to think about Fall vegetables during the dog days of summer, but over the next few weeks I'll be planting veggies that will mature right around the first frost. This week I planted carrots, cauliflower, beets, kohlrabi and parsnips

Here is the garden this week

There are lots of melon blossoms hiding in the shadows of the vines

 I found this neon pink swiss chard growing under the glass gem corn and behind the tangle of spent pea vines that I pulled out

 I picked the first yellow alpine strawberries that I started this year from seed. They don't look like much, but wow, they pack a huge punch of flavor!

Fortex and Rattlesnake beans 
The first of the beans were harvested this week. I had enough to make a quart of spicy dilly beans with this picking

I also pickled a couple jars of pepperoncinis

This sunflower opening up behind another sunflower blossom reminds me of a fancy feathered fan

As I was inspecting the orchard I came across these cinnabar moth caterpillars, hard at work on a patch of tansy ragwort

Large Barred Boar tomato 
Some of my large tomatoes are starting to ripen!

To me, these cherry tomatoes look like glowing jewels

The girls hard at work (and annoyed at me for taking their picture)

Weekly Harvest Total

8 ounces squash blossoms
1 pound 6 ounces cabbage
3 ounces green onions
4 pounds 7 ounces onions
2 pounds 8 ounces potatoes
1 pound cucumbers and dill
1 pound 1 ounce beans
11 ounces peppers
8 ounces tomatillos
1 ounce tomatoes  

Yearly Total

64 pounds 9 ounces 


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