Garden Update 6/20/13

Here are the latest garden pictures

Yellow Finn Potatoes

Beets, Cabbage and Cauliflower

Carrots and Kale

Ground Cherries

The garlic is ready to harvest

Peas, Bulb Onions, Green Onions, Leeks and Shallots

All Blue and Fingerling Potatoes

Broccoli and Cabbage

Mixed Squash




And More Tomatoes

Artichokes (I need to weed these)

Over the weekend the DH installed another garden bed for me, June 15th is a little late in the season, but I went ahead and planted two varieties of corn, two varieties of pole beans and a bunch of soy beans. Hopefully I will get a good harvest from them before the season is over.
Pole Beans, Corn and Soy Beans


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