Garden Update 8/16/13

I didn't get an update in last week because we went camping. Here is what the garden looks like this week.
The sunflowers are blooming!

Yellow Finn Potatoes

Broccoli and Kohlrabi

Carrots and Parsnips

Ground Cherries


Bulb Onions, Green Onions, Leeks, Beets and Brussels Sprouts

All Blue and Fingerling Potatoes

Cabbage and Cauliflower

Mixed Squash


Look at the color in the first tomato bed

I took three separate pics of the second tomato bed so that all the parts would be in detail

Left side of the second tomato bed {that's basil planted in the front}

Right side of the second tomato bed

Bucket Tomatoes {they aren't getting enough water}

An Artichoke Yay! {this bed is in desperate need of weeding}

Soy Beans, Corn and Pole Beans
 Here are some close ups of this bed
Bean Flowers

Rattlesnake Beans

Blue Lake Beans

Corn starting to tassel


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